Education & CPD officer role overview

The education secretary or CPD officer is responsible for the institute's CPD programme for the ensuing twelve months.

All local institutes provide relevant CPD activity to members through a programme of lectures, as well as offering advice to those making enquiries about CII qualifications, potential paths of study and post qualification activities. It is also important to ensure that your council are kept up to date with developments to qualifications, as these may influence the focus or topics of future CPD programmes.

Remember, the role of the local institute is primarily to adopt the objectives of the CII, as defined in its Charter and Bye-laws, for the benefit of your local members, prospective members, students and the local insurance and financial services community.

Consequently, the education secretary should develop a close working relationship with the CII and also with the Regional Membership Manager for the region.

Main responsibilities

  • Agreeing the number of lectures to host and associated budget for the year's programme and confirming the dates, times and timings.
  • Identifying and, in conjunction with the president and council, agreeing suitable topics for lectures and sourcing suitable speakers.
  • For face to face events, sourcing and confirming suitable venues and audio visual equipment which meet the requirements of the health and safety policy and CII's CPD Accreditation requirements.
  • For online events, confirming suitable online platforms with the speaker and ensuring all links are live and communicated to the communications officer for inclusion in all communications.
  • For face to face events, liaising with the venue and speaker in advance of an event to ensure all prepared (including room layout, presentation, refreshments, payment).
  • For online events, liaising with the speaker to ensure they are comfortable with the chosen online platform.
  • Providing your communications officer with relevant event details, including at least three learning objectives, so they can promote the event via your local institute website and e-flyer system.
  • Take onto account feedback received from the post event surveys -please note these are sent automatically by your website booking system, your communications officer can provide more details

The role of education secretary / cpd officer will normally be undertaken for a term of one year although the constitution of the local institute allows for a longer period.

Central Support

Your Regional Membership Manager is your key contact - any support you require please get in touch and we can discuss how the team can help.

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